NursingCAS Participation Agreement Terms



NursingCAS is the Centralized Application Service for accredited nursing programs. NursingCAS is a cloud-based system that provides colleges with a robust admissions platform to efficiently manage data-driven application reviews. This service is administered by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and information technology partner, Liaison International.


Programs that are eligible to participate are those that grant RN diplomas, 2nd degree, associate, certificate/non-degree, bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degrees in nursing. Programs must have or must be seeking accreditation from the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), the Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation (CNEA), the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs (COA), or the Accreditation Commission for Midwifery Education (ACME). Programs must notify the NursingCAS team of all accreditation status changes within 1 week via  Additionally, NursingCAS programs which lose accreditation are responsible for notifying applicants immediately of the status change and refunding NursingCAS fees to applicants. NursingCAS will not be responsible for refunding fees to these applicants.  If a program has new applicant status or is currently seeking accreditation from CCNE, ACEN, CNEA, COA, or ACME then AACN will decide whether or not and at what point that program will be eligible to participate in NursingCAS. Participation is open to non-AACN member schools.


There is no cost to schools to participate in NursingCAS and process applications through the service. Applicants are charged a nominal fee to submit an application via NursingCAS.

Participation Agreement

Fees will not be assessed for schools to participate in NursingCAS. However, applicants will pay a nominal fee to use the service. If a school chooses to withdraw from NursingCAS they must follow the procedures outlined below. The NursingCAS staff reserves the right to deactivate your listing on the application, restrict your access to the system, and withdraw your school from participation should we find that you are in violation of the Usage Policy or the NursingCAS Exclusivity Requirement.

On behalf of my school, I hereby agree to participate in NursingCAS and agree to abide by the NursingCAS policies and procedures. Our school understands that participation requires the following:

Our school understands that participation requires adhering to the following:

Usage Policy

Full access to “In Progress” applicant data is viewable to users in WebAdMIT. It is permissible to export the NursingCAS applicant data into your internal university systems for the purpose of recruitment efforts and admissions workflow processes ONLY. NursingCAS prohibits any college or university from making an offer to an applicant before they have submitted their application through NursingCAS. Applicants generated to your program via NursingCAS are required to submit their application via NursingCAS should they wish to be considered for admission. The NursingCAS staff reserves the right to deactivate your listing on the application, restrict your access to the system, and withdraw your school from participation should we find that you are in violation of this usage agreement.

Withdrawal Policy

Schools reserve the right to withdraw participation from NursingCAS for any or all program(s) posted on NursingCAS. Should a school decide to voluntarily withdraw from NursingCAS, the primary contact for your school must sign and date a NursingCAS Voluntary Withdrawal Form and complete an exit survey. NursingCAS, Liaison International, and AACN are not responsible for refunding applicant fees. Schools should refund applicants their applicant fees in this scenario. Schools will need to notify AACN staff at of your decision. Schools cannot officially withdraw from NursingCAS until their program’s application cycle deadline has passed. Once the school’s application deadline has been reached schools can then deactivate their program listing should they choose to withdraw and will continue to have access to any submitted applications via WebAdMIT, the admissions software for NursingCAS.

Background Questions Policy

I acknowledge that my program is responsible for the content collected within custom questions on the NursingCAS application. I understand it is the responsibility of each school to work with their internal legal counsel annually to determine if/how they should collect applicant background information (or other sensitive information) per individual state laws. I further understand that Liaison International and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing will not be responsible for ensuring the legality of any questions or content added by NursingCAS participating programs. Content within custom questions is the responsibility of each institution. Additional information is available at 2021-2022: Critical Update to Background Questions.

NursingCAS Exclusivity Requirement

AACN’s NursingCAS Exclusivity Requirement is in effect starting with the 2023-2024 cycle, which launched on August 10, 2023. This policy allows AACN to continue to deliver the robust services and features offered to participating schools through this no-cost platform. As defined, the new exclusivity requirement stipulates that for all programs included in NursingCAS, all initial applications to those programs must be submitted through NursingCAS. Schools may not offer the option to submit an institutional application for the same program-seeking applicants through NursingCAS. However, schools may choose to ask students to submit a second, supplemental application in addition to the NursingCAS application. Additional information is available at NursingCAS Exclusivity Requirement.