March 2020
The NursingCAS Dispatch is a monthly newsletter intended to keep you up to date with current happenings at NursingCAS. The newsletter will feature:
- NursingCAS Know-How, an in-depth examination of a NursingCAS feature.
- NursingCAS by the Numbers, a metric to showcase application statistics and other relevant data.
- User Updates to keep you in the loop, so you can keep your team and applicants in the loop.
- Social Beat, which will feature nursing and admissions news from around the web.
NursingCAS and COVID-19
As of today, March 27, NursingCAS remains fully operational and business is being conducted as usual, but in a remote setting. Applicants and WebAdMIT users can still contact customer service, send transcripts, and continue with the application process. AACN’s technology partner, Liaison International, has robust technology and a culture of flexibility that enables their staff to efficiently and effectively perform their work remotely.
Liaison has posted COVID-19 updates on both the student and WebAdMIT login pages and the content is edited daily with FAQs. The notice contains guidance on how programs can update their NursingCAS homepages with time sensitive information and other helpful tips. As a reminder, schools can easily update their NursingCAS application deadlines. If your program needs to extend a deadline, simply login into the Configuration Portal to make this edit. As always, WebAdMIT Support can be reached at 857-304-2020 or webadmitsupport@liaisonedu.com.
NursingCAS application submissions have remained consistent with the number of applications received last year at this time. AACN is tracking the numbers closely on a week-by-week basis. It greatly helps that NursingCAS is a fully online and cloud-based service (student application, Liaison transcript verification process, etc.). If you need to quickly shift additional programs to NursingCAS at this time, or if you have any questions or recommendations, please contact Stephanie Wurth, AACN’s Director of Strategic Partnerships (NursingCAS).
Definition of Application Statuses
- In Progress: Student application has not yet been submitted or student hasn’t paid the application fee.
- Received: Student application has been submitted.
- Complete: All required materials were received. Depending on a program’s requirements, this may be the application’s final status. If a program requires verification, this status indicates that the student’s application is ready for that process. This process has been taking less than 1 week this cycle, but on average can take 2 weeks.
- Undelivered: If a program requires verification, this status indicates that an error was found during the verification process, and the application was returned to a student for corrections.
- Verified: If a program requires verification, this status indicates that the student application was verified, and GPAs were calculated and/or provided to selected programs. Students receive a confirmation notification that the application has been verified.
As always, the WebAdMIT Client Support Specialist Team is available Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm EST to assist with questions about WebAdMIT features. The Team can be reached at 857-304-2020 or webadmitsupport@liaisonedu.com. Training is also available via webinars, on-demand courses, and the Liaison Academy. Please view the WebAdMIT Help Center for further information.
During the 2018-2019 NursingCAS cycle, there were 53,357 submitted applicants. Of these, 83% of applicants were female, 16% were male, and 1% declined to state.
This section provides monthly updates on new features and enhancements available within the Applicant Portal, Configuration Portal, and WebAdMIT, as well as information on upcoming training events and opportunities.
WebAdMIT Enhancements
Update to In Progress Applicant Export
The In Progress Applicant export now includes the Designation Added Date field. This will show the exact date that the applicant added your specific program to their NursingCAS application. This field can have multiple values if an applicant selects to apply to more than one of your programs.
New Documentation
WebAdMIT allows institutions to customize admissions processes for each of their programs. WebAdMIT becomes a “shared space” when institutions have multiple WebAdMIT users managing multiple programs. Read this new guide for shared space examples, as well as best practices you can apply at your institution.
This guide provides information on how to transfer deferred applicants from one cycle to the next in WebAdMIT and some best practices to keep in mind.
Training Opportunities
WebAdMIT Webinar Series
Liaison Academy offers WebAdMIT training webinars. Each one-hour webinar focuses on a specific WebAdMIT feature and offers best practices and tips. Sign up to access upcoming WebAdMIT webinars for free.
Learn how to make the best use of the Assignments and Interviews features in WebAdMIT. Join virtually over a 2-week period to learn how to rank applicants and pinpoint the most qualified candidates through a series of hands-on exercises.
Unlock the tools to manage your applications. Join a one-day workshop to learn more about WebAdMIT tools, including but not limited to work groups, local statuses, list manager, corresponding with applicants using emails, and more.
The Liaison User Conference will take place this summer in Boston, MA. NursingCAS users are encouraged to attend this conference for hands-on trainings, peer-led sessions, and panel discussions.
If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Wurth, AACN’s Director of Strategic Partnerships, at swurth@aacnnursing.org.
“The coronavirus situation is forcing colleges to teach online for a few weeks or the rest of the semester. Budgets are tight. People are stressed. But for admissions, the timing is just as colleges are rolling out their days for admitted applicants. Most colleges have canceled these days (along with most student activity on their campuses) and are left to recruit students without what for most of them is one of their best assets: their physical campuses.”
“The best advice I can give to an aspiring nurse entrepreneur is to find a great team of advisors and co-founders. IntelyCare didn’t really take off until we expanded our co-founding team from two to four. You must build a team that is well rounded and can bring different types of expertise to the table. I’ve learned an immense amount since we built our company, but it was knowledge gained from others who were experts in their fields.”
“High school guidance counselors and parents of prospective students are encouraging the next generation to narrow their college lists and be more selective during the application process. With exceptional college search resources like Naviance, Cappex, Niche, and College Board’s Big Future, students understand that application fees and tuition rates are higher than ever. As fewer applications are sent, and fewer students enroll, it’s time for colleges and universities to focus on quality student experiences over application quantity through the recruitment process.” |