February 2023
The NursingCAS Dispatch is a monthly newsletter intended to keep you up to date with current happenings at NursingCAS. The newsletter will feature:
Reminder: Close of 2021-22 Cycle
The 2021-2022 cycle closed on Tuesday, January 31, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. EST.
Review the email sent from NursingCAS on January 31 for important information on end-of-cycle processes and associated timelines. Schools are encouraged to follow up with applicants ASAP with program-specific requirements (transcripts, letters of recommendation, etc.).
Questions about end-of-cycle processes/dates? Contact the WebAdMIT Client Support Specialist Team using the information provided at the bottom of the NursingCAS Know-How section. If you did not receive the January 31 email, please contact Katherine Avery, NursingCAS Admissions & Outreach Coordinator.
Creating a Test Student Account
AACN recommends that all NursingCAS school users create a test applicant account. This allows schools to explore the applicant experience of the NursingCAS platform and your institution’s presence within it. Creating a test account allows users to view peer programs and collect ideas for future efficiencies. The test account also can be used to provide workshops to help students understand how to complete the application. Utilizing a test account enables schools to easily view all the NursingCAS application questions asked of students. Please ensure that everyone on your team creates a test student account by following these guidelines:
- Visit the NursingCAS landing page
- Click the “Create an Account” button
- Follow the account creation instructions (Note: your name should have the word “test” in it – ex. TestJoe or TestSmith)
- Make sure to use your Gmail or Yahoo email account, not your school email account
- Add your specific programs (and any other benchmarks) to your shopping cart
- Progress your way through the application just as a student would, and make note of ways in which you can brand/personalize your school’s page, help streamline the application process for candidates, better describe program requirements, and otherwise enhance your school’s NursingCAS profile
Utilizing Echo Targeting
Echo Targeting is a turnkey student recruiting program exclusively for NursingCAS member schools. It is flexible, affordable, and most importantly, effective! This program allows participating nursing programs to market themselves to prospective students in a highly targeted fashion. Over 90,000 unique IP addresses will visit NursingCAS and the future student pages on the AACN website during a recruiting cycle. With Echo Targeting, digital ads, whether created by your institution or by Echo Interactive LLC, will exclusively reach an audience of prospective nursing students as they surf the internet. Schools can limit ads to audiences living within target states.
Please visit the Echo Targeting website to learn more about Echo Interactive LLC.
Call for Enhancements
Do you have a suggestion that can improve the NursingCAS application? Is there a feature, process, or report that can enhance WebAdMIT (the backend admissions platform)? Submit Enhancement Ideas by Friday, February 17, COB for the upcoming 2023-2024 cycle! Suggestions can be provided for any part of the NursingCAS process (e.g., WebAdMIT features, letters of recommendation portal, NursingCAS application questions, Analytics by Liaison reports).
Support for WebAdMIT School Users:
As always, the dedicated WebAdMIT Client Support Specialist Team is available Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. EST to assist with questions about WebAdMIT features. The Team can be reached at (857) 304-2020 or webadmitsupport@liaisonedu.com. Training is also available via webinars, on-demand courses, and the Liaison Academy. Please visit the WebAdMIT Help Center for further information.

NursingCAS Virtual Fair 2022
AACN’s third annual Discover Nursing Virtual Fair took place on November 17, 2022. It featured 74 schools of nursing and hosted 1,528 registrants. Attendees of the Virtual Fair represented 41 countries from around the world and hailed from 47 U.S. states plus the District of Columbia, representing a truly global turnout!
This section provides monthly updates on new features and enhancements available within the Applicant Portal, Configuration Portal, and WebAdMIT, as well as information on upcoming training opportunities.
WebAdMIT Enhancements
Shared Lookup Table Updates for Spring 2023 (Implementation date: March 6, 2023)
Please review the Shared Lookup Table Updates for Spring 2023 page. If you are exporting data into a campus system, work with your IT team to determine whether updates need to be made. If a “crosswalk” was created from WebAdMIT data to local data in your campus system’s SIS/CRM, it may need to be updated with the newly added options.
Many fields in the Applicant Portal contain predefined answer values that applicants can select. For example, the Country and County fields both have predefined answer values. These values are housed in shared lookup tables, which are viewable in your CAS’s/UniCAS’s data dictionary (located under the Help panel in WebAdMIT).
Lookup table change requests should be sent to your Account Manager, who will compile and review these requests prior to inclusion in the next lookup table update taking place this Fall. The deadline to submit change requests was November 1, 2022. New lookup table values will appear in the Applicant Portal on March 6, 2023 (subject to change).
You can view the upcoming lookup value changes on the Shared Lookup Table Updates for Spring 2023 page.
SFTP Delivery of Exports and Reports
SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) allows users to transfer, export, and report files from WebAdMIT to your institution’s servers, such as a Student Information System (SIS), Slate, TargetX, Enrollment Marketing, or other SFTP servers. You can set up your file transfer through two features in WebAdMIT: the Destination Manager and Schedule Manager. To learn more, review Liaison’s resource on Working with SFTP Features. With this enhancement, you can convert your manual file transfer process to an automated one and set a schedule to ensure you’re routinely extracting the data you need.
This enhancement allows schools to create and send an export of data to an SFTP site without having to use an API. Schools with limited IT resources can benefit from this enhancement, which allows users without API programming skills to move a file to an SFTP site to be picked up for integration into university systems.
Expanded Template Access for WebAdMIT Administrators and Institution Managers
If you are both in the WebAdMIT Administrators Work Group and an Institution Manager, you can now view and delete all the following templates created by any user at your organization, even if the template was not shared with you:
This enhancement allows you to more easily manage templates created within your organization’s WebAdMIT account. For example, you can identify who created templates and if a user leaves your institution, you can identify and manage their templates. Due to the increased capabilities of the WebAdMIT Administrator Work Group and the Institution Manager function, be sure to review all users at your institution to ensure they have the correct Work Group and account access.
WebAdMIT Sandbox Environment Refresh
The WebAdMIT Sandbox is deployed between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. ET every Monday. If Monday is a US or Canadian holiday, deployment is the next business day. This deployment includes all system changes from the preceding release. The WebAdMIT Sandbox environment is refreshed with current (cleansed) production data and program configurations. Any test exports, custom fields, etc., in the current sandbox will be overwritten.
The WebAdMIT Sandbox is a copy of the WebAdMIT production environment with sensitive applicant information (such as surnames, email addresses, etc.) obfuscated. Since it is isolated from production, Sandbox is useful for testing and training purposes; any actions performed in Sandbox will have no effect on the live data in production. This provides users with a safe, “near-production” environment for testing or training purposes. For example, you can submit test applications and run sample exports.
Training Opportunities
Liaison Academy On-Demand Training
Learn at your own pace, whenever you want. Liaison Academy’s eLearning courses are broken up into lessons that contain short, targeted video clips, helping viewers master one task before moving to the next. Each course can be completed in less than one hour.
Centralized Application Service: Your Admissions Management Solution
This course provides an overview of the CAS service, including the benefits available to programs and applicants.
Best Practices in Implementing a Centralized Application Service
This course is intended for individuals who will be involved with CAS implementation and need to learn how WebAdMIT can help improve the admissions process.
WebAdMIT Level 1 Training
This course provides an overview of the fundamental functionality to get you up and running in WebAdMIT.
WebAdMIT Level 2 Training
This course builds off the Level 1 training and explores the more advanced features in the software, allowing users to maximize the benefits of the product.
Configuration Portal Training
This course provides an overview of the CAS Configuration tool, allowing users to configure the program(s) that their applicants apply to.
Sign Up to Access WebAdMIT Webinars. Liaison Academy offers WebAdMIT training webinars. Each one-hour webinar focuses on a specific WebAdMIT feature and offers best practices and tips. Learn more about WebAdMIT training opportunities.
If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Wurth, AACN’s Director of Application Services & Strategic Partnerships, at swurth@aacnnursing.org |