Resources for Current Schools

Maximize Efficiency & Applicant Quality with Our Powerful NursingCAS Tools
Empower your recruitment and admissions strategies with NursingCAS. Our comprehensive platform provides a wealth of tools and insights to help you attract high-caliber students for your undergraduate and graduate nursing programs. NursingCAS streamlines the application process, simplifies review, and empowers you to make informed admissions decisions.


Participating Schools


Nursing Programs





Value of a CAS

As a NursingCAS participating school, you receive a free, robust admissions platform to efficiently manage data-driven application reviews in a cloud-based software. The platform provides tools for scoring candidates based on custom criteria, tracking interviews, conducting an online review of applicants, and more. NursingCAS also provides valuable insights into your applicant pool that allow you to refine your recruitment strategies and attract top talent from a diverse range of backgrounds.

Analytics by Liaison is a Tableau-based dashboard that pulls data from NursingCAS and allows programs to track year-over-year data points with accompanying infographics. With Analytics, data becomes useful information that you can use to manage strategic initiatives and to share with some of the key stakeholders.

Links & Logins


A cloud-based admissions management platform

Log in to WebAdMIT


A personalized webpage with resources for onboarding and training

Log in to PURL


Data-driven insights to help you spot trends and shape your class

Log in to Analytics

Tools & Resources

Find the answers for all your NursingCAS questions with our comprehensive Resource Library.

Artboard 1
Use this Dashboard to add Applicant Newsletter content, add an admissions event, or submit an idea.
The enclosed infographic shows cycle dates and matriculation terms for 2023-24 and 2024-25 NursingCAS cycles.
Explore the directory of participating schools. New schools are added regularly.
Learn about new features and enhancements available within the application and WebAdMIT