May 2022
The NursingCAS Dispatch is a monthly newsletter intended to keep you up to date with current happenings at NursingCAS. The newsletter will feature:
- NursingCAS Know-How, an in-depth examination of a NursingCAS feature.
- NursingCAS by the Numbers, a metric to showcase application statistics and other relevant data.
- User Updates to keep you in the loop, so you can keep your team and applicants in the loop.
- Social Beat, which will feature nursing and admissions news from around the web.
Coming Soon: Configuration for the 2022-2023 Cycle
NursingCAS will open for configuration of the new 2022-2023 admissions cycle on Tuesday, May 24. All participating schools will have access to configure their applications in the Prelaunch environment for the Summer 2023, Fall 2023, Winter 2024, and Spring 2024 semesters starting on this date. Configuring and submitting your pages is required every year for your programs to launch. The cycle will launch on Thursday, August 11. If a program wants to launch on August 11, the deadline to complete configurations and submit for review is Wednesday, June 29. For configuration training information, see the NursingCAS Webinar announcement below.
NursingCAS Configuration Overview Webinar
Register now to attend the NursingCAS Configuration Overview Webinar on Tuesday, June 7, 2pm EST or Monday, June 13, 3pm EST. The webinar will cover steps to configure your application, tips for cycle rollover, and important changes. Each school should have at least one WebAdMIT administrator (if not all!) participate. Additional configuration training webinars are being offered free by the Liaison Academy.
NursingCAS Branding and Program Page Best Practices Webinar
Register now to attend AACN’s NursingCAS Branding and Program Page Best Practices webinar on Wednesday, June 1, 2:30pm EST. In preparation for the upcoming 2022-23 cycle launch, you’ll learn how to design program pages to enhance your nursing school’s recruitment efforts. Learn best practices to help students more easily navigate your NursingCAS page and apply to your program. Invite your admissions, recruitment, and marketing teams to attend this webinar. Branding and Program pages are critical for recruitment efforts as students shop and compare programs within the portal. Learn how to ensure your program stands out. The webinar will provide an overview of the new Preview feature available in the Prelaunch environment. This webinar was developed with insight from AACN and Liaison after reviewing 3,000 NursingCAS program pages in the previous cycle.
Join us for experience: Liaison in Boston, MA on July 28
Register now to attend a stimulating Liaison user conference – called experience: Liaison – to discuss higher education trends, tools to expand your applicant pool, and hands-on training for CAS. Find conference details and registration information on the Liaison website. Future cities and dates will be shared soon.
Save the Date: NursingCAS Discover Nursing Virtual Fair on October 6
AACN is excited to announce that the NursingCAS Discover Nursing Virtual Fair will be held Thursday, October 6, 2022. The Discover Nursing Virtual Fair provides an exclusive opportunity for NursingCAS member schools to invite their prospective students and engage with them through chat, videos, and panel discussions. Last year schools chatted with 2,314 students from 49 states and 41 countries. AACN encourages all participating programs to create engaging content schedules and actively market this event to their prospective students for a successful experience. Details about registration and sponsorship options will be available in the coming months.
Reminder: Staff Changes? Update WebAdMIT Permissions ASAP
Have you had staff changes in the past year? A best practice is to review WebAdMIT permissions quarterly (or more frequently!) to ensure only appropriate team members are receiving access to NursingCAS data. Instructions for adding and editing users, if available, can be found in the WebAdMIT Help Center.
If you need assistance, call the WebAdMIT Support Team at 857-304-2020. Hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 9 AM – 5 PM ET.
Analytics by Liaison
Analytics by Liaison provides data-driven insights to help programs spot trends and shape their class. The platform is provided by AACN to member schools. The dashboard gives schools a secure and robust way to explore multi-year applicant and application data using visual representations, making it a complete solution for admission offices looking to optimize their efforts for growing or shaping their classes. Through this Tableau-based dashboard, schools can easily visualize applicant numbers, race, ethnicity, age, and geographic diversity of applicants in a year-over-year visualization. For more information, visit the Analytics Help Center.

This section provides monthly updates on new features and enhancements available within the Applicant Portal, Configuration Portal, WebAdMIT, and information on upcoming training opportunities.
WebAdMIT Enhancements
Standardized Test Type Subpanels
The Standardized Tests panel on the Applicant Details Page now has subpanels for each test type (e.g., GRE, TOEFL, MCAT, etc.) available in the CAS. If an applicant has both self-reported and official test scores for a specific test type, those will all be listed under the test type subpanel.

With this enhancement, you can now use the Work Groups feature to restrict which test types your admissions users can access. Those restrictions will also apply to the full application PDF. This enhancement allows you better control over the application information your reviewers can access in WebAdMIT.
Manual Designation Updates
The Manual Designations feature allows you to add additional designations, or programs, to an applicant. With this enhancement, the following items are now available in WebAdMIT:
- Submitted Date
- Completed Date
- Program Added
- Applicant-Specific Deadline
- Full Application PDF for the Manual Designation
Application Portal Enhancements
Professional Transcript Entry (PTE) Reminder Email
Professional Transcript Entry (PTE) allows applicants to pay an additional fee to have Liaison’s PTE specialists enter their coursework. A new PTE reminder email template is now automatically sent every seven days to applicants who have had their PTE coursework entered but have not yet reviewed and approved it. Applicants cannot move into the Complete (and Verified, if applicable) application statuses until they approve their PTE coursework. This enhancement encourages applicants to fully complete the PTE process.
New Documentation
How Data Visibility is Impacted by Application Statuses
Your CAS determines the visibility option in WebAdMIT for each application status. You may see a full view of the applicant’s information, a partial (i.e., limited) view of their information, or you may not be able to view applicants at all within certain application statuses. Review the visibility options in this guide to better understand your viewing ability and how it can affect your application review process.
The 39-Million-Student Question: How Can Higher Ed Bring Back Students Who Stop Out?
Researchers and college leaders highlight opportunities to reenroll adult learners.
A Clearer Path Back to College May Yield More Degrees
Too many obstacles block students who left college from returning to get the degrees they were close to earning, according to a new report.
Righting ‘Historical Wrongs’
Campus leaders and state policymakers are introducing tuition waivers for Native American students at colleges and universities across the country.
If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Wurth, AACN’s Director of Strategic Partnerships, at |