May 2020
The NursingCAS Dispatch is a monthly newsletter intended to keep you up to date with current happenings at NursingCAS. The newsletter will feature:
- NursingCAS Know-How, an in-depth examination of a NursingCAS feature.
- NursingCAS by the Numbers, a metric to showcase application statistics and other relevant data.
- User Updates to keep you in the loop, so you can keep your team and applicants in the loop.
- Social Beat, which will feature nursing and admissions news from around the web.
AACN Response to COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions
AACN has developed the COVID-19 FAQs to answer questions raised by member deans, faculty, and students during these challenging times. This resource addresses questions on admissions and enrollment during COVID-19. The FAQs will be updated on an ongoing basis as new questions are asked and new information emerges.
Webinar Recording Available: Moving Your Admissions Process Online During COVID-19
AACN and Liaison International conducted a webinar last week to discuss features available within NursingCAS that allow for a complete cloud-based admissions process. A recording of the webinar is now available for viewing. To ensure business continuity, WebAdMIT has a scoring rubric tool and tools for tracking interviews, conducting an online review of applicants, calculating GPAs, sending and tracking applicant communications, running queries, building custom reports (and access to comparative reports), and exporting data to import into internal systems.
Configuration Training Webinar, May 28, 3:30pm EST
Register now to attend the NursingCAS Configuration Training Webinar to prepare for the 2020-2021 cycle. This webinar will cover steps to configure your application, tips for cycle rollover, and important changes. All schools must configure their portal each cycle prior to launch. The cycle will launch on August 13, 2020, and configurations must be submitted by July 10, 2020. The following topics will be discussed:
- Cycle extension and COVID-19 impact questions and resources
- Configuration portal terminology and the CAS rollover process
- Best practices for closing out a cycle and tips for preparing for a new cycle, including how to improve a program’s home/branding page to increase recruitment efforts
All users are encouraged to attend this webinar to best prepare for the new application cycle. If you cannot attend, you should still register so you can receive a copy of the recording.
Tips for Communicating with Applicants During COVID-19
AACN encourages schools to communicate extensively with prospective students during this time of uncertainty. Schools can update their NursingCAS program page to include any new processes or holistic reviews that are taking place due to changes within the admissions process (test score requirements, pass/fail grade type consideration, shifting plan for completion of clinical/didactic coursework, etc.) Schools are encouraged to send emails through NursingCAS describing this information and other pertinent details to help prospective students through this challenging time. Features within NursingCAS allow for these emails to be personalized and sent automatically in batches. Schools can also review Liaison’s tips for improving your program’s branding content on the program page. As always, programs can extend deadlines in the configuration portal as needed.
Virtual recruitment events (chats with faculty/admissions, virtual tours, etc.) can be submitted to the NursingCAS Recruitment Calendar. If schools are seeking advanced communication and tracking tools, Liaison provides supplemental digital and print communications through their Enrollment Marketing Platform (EMP). For more information on EMP, contact Karen Jacobs, Liaison’s VP of Account Management and NursingCAS Manager.
As always, the WebAdMIT Client Support Specialist Team is available Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm EST to assist with questions about WebAdMIT features. The Team can be reached at 857-304-2020 or webadmitsupport@liaisonedu.com. Training is also available via webinars, on-demand courses, and the Liaison Academy. Please view the WebAdMIT Help Center for further information
This section provides monthly updates on new features and enhancements available within the Applicant Portal, Configuration Portal, and WebAdMIT, as well as information on upcoming training events and opportunities.
Applicant Portal and WebAdMIT Enhancements
Update to Predefined Answer Values in NursingCAS/WebAdMIT Exports (Forward to IT Teams)
- Please review the below changes and if you’re exporting data into a campus system work with your IT team to determine if updates need to be made. If a “crosswalk” was created from WebAdMIT data to local data in your campus system’s SIS/CRM, it may need to be updated for the newly added options. Many fields within the NursingCAS application have predefined answer values that applicants can select from; for example, the Country and County fields both have predefined answer values. These values are housed in shared “lookup tables” which are viewable in the NursingCAS Customer Export Layout (CEL). For Spring 2020, the Shared Lookup Tables with new predefined answer values that applicants can select from were updated on April 26, 2020. Review the Shared Lookup Table Updates document for a summary of all changes and the NursingCAS Customer Export Layout for specific updates to the predefined answer values. These updated answer values will reflect in WebAdMIT’s applicant profiles, application PDFs, in lists and exports. If these fields are imported directly from WebAdMIT to another system, these new options will begin appearing in the export files as applicants select them.
WebAdMIT API Enhancements
Update: Custom Field and Decision Codes Can Now Be Sent for Batches of Applicants at Once
Admissions users can now send Custom Field and Decision Codes updates for applicants in batches via the WebAdMIT API, which allows users to automate admissions tasks. Previously, the WebAdMIT API could only process one data point for one applicant at a time.
New Documentation
This list has been updated with new high schools, their addresses and their respective CEEB (College Entrance Examination Board) codes for reference when extracting high school data through WebAdMIT’s Export Manager or Report Manager.
This list has been updated with new colleges, respective Liaison, MDB (Master Data Base), CEEB, FICE (Federal Interagency Committee on Education) and/or IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) codes. If a college is accredited, their accreditation agency is also listed. This document is useful when extracting college data through WebAdMIT’s Export Manager and Report Manager.Export Manager and Report Manager.
Training Opportunities
Sign Up to Access WebAdMIT Webinars
Liaison Academy offers WebAdMIT training webinars. Each one-hour webinar focuses on a specific WebAdMIT feature and offers best practices and tips.
Webinar: Analyzing Your Applicant Data in WebAdMIT (May 19, 1pm EST)
Register now for this FREE session to learn more about the Export Manager, available customizations through the Report Manager, how the List Manager can improve Reports and Exports, WebAdMIT’s data integration tools and more.
Webinar: Managing Your Review Process: How to Identify Your Best Applicants (May 21, 1pm EST)
This FREE session will cover how WebAdMIT users can expand their review process and identify their best applicants using WebAdMIT tools like Scoring, Point Tables, Custom Fields, List Manager and Report Manager.
Virtual Training: Developing a Comprehensive Reporting Strategy (May 26-June 16)
Join virtually over a 4-week period to learn how to create and manage a comprehensive reporting strategy. This course will use a combination of group discussions, demonstrations, WebAdMIT and Excel activities, and overviews of industry best practices to explore practical approaches in creating a data reporting strategy that supports your institution’s needs.
In response to COVID-19, the Liaison User Conference is going virtual. There is no cost to attend the sessions. More details, including dates, times and session details, will be announced soon. Register today!
“Four-year colleges may face a loss of up to 20 percent in fall enrollment, SimpsonScarborough, a higher education research and marketing company, has predicted on the basis of multiple student surveys it has conducted. The findings are based on surveys of more than 2,000 college-bound high school seniors and current college students in March, just after the coronavirus began spreading in the United States, and in April, after three weeks of record unemployment claims.”
“More than 40% of admitted students never step foot on campus before April, and of those students, more than 75% choose their institution based on the experience they have in the next few months, according to our visit data and research. Historically, these experiences have been on campus. Now that they won’t be, college leaders are faced with new challenges.”
“During the initial launch, the university scheduled virtual events at various parts of the day to later determine what times would be more effective for recruiting college students later on. “The calendars of students and parents have changed drastically since the coronavirus, so we needed to make ourselves available. Currently, effective times have been at 4:30 pm and 7 pm.”
“The principles of holistic review have special importance at a time when social and economic disparities are becoming starker. Undue emphasis on the quantifiable measures of academic achievement may disproportionately affect students who are managing greater responsibilities—including financial burdens– during this time, including underrepresented minorities and women. Examining the fullest range of student qualities possible, and placing scores and GPA’s in the broader context of a student’s personal and intellectual qualities, will help us assess all candidates more fairly.”
If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Wurth, AACN’s Director of Strategic Partnerships, at swurth@aacnnursing.org.