April 2020
The NursingCAS Dispatch is a monthly newsletter intended to keep you up to date with current happenings at NursingCAS. The newsletter will feature:
- NursingCAS Know-How, an in-depth examination of a NursingCAS feature.
- NursingCAS by the Numbers, a metric to showcase application statistics and other relevant data.
- User Updates to keep you in the loop, so you can keep your team and applicants in the loop.
- Social Beat, which will feature nursing and admissions news from around the web.
NursingCAS & COVID-19
Higher Education Trends in Response to COVID-19
AACRAO (The American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers) recently conducted several surveys of their 2,500 institutions to determine trends of higher education institutions across the country in response to COVID-19. Results from the Impact Survey 1: Impact of COVID-19 on Grading, Transcript and Commencement Practices were released earlier this month after collecting over 600 responses. The information provides insight on the percentage of programs moving courses online, changing to pass/fail grade types, and graduation adjustments. Additionally, AACRAO shared results from the Impact Survey 2: Impact of COVID-19 on Admission Practices and Fall Course Delivery. This release highlights the changes in admissions decisions, course placement, orientation, advising, and registration. AACRAO will also be releasing additional survey data on the “Impact of COVID-19 on Transfer Practices”. Based upon the surveys, AACRAO has developed guidance for programs related to admissions, financial aid, transcripts, and other critical topics.
Increase Student Recruitment and Marketing with Echo-targeting
Some institutions are facing recruitment challenges related to COVID-19. As a reminder, AACN has partnered with Echo-Interactive, LLC to provide NursingCAS member institutions with echo-targeting, an affordable digital banner advertising tool for reaching prospective students.
With echo-targeting, prospective students that browse the NursingCAS website or AACN’s Resources for Students (roughly 90,000 unique IP addresses) can be targeted to receive banner ads featuring participating nursing programs while subsequently surfing their favorite websites and social media platforms over the coming days, weeks, and months. Echo-targeting participants can:
- Geo-target the audience so that only prospective nursing students living in specific states are reached
- Affordably create awareness for these prospects as there is no monthly minimum budget or minimum number of months to participate (as little as $500 buys 90,000 ad impressions)
Echo-targeting can help support recruitment efforts by creating year-round awareness of participating institutions and programs. Learn more about this opportunity by contacting Owen Landon with Echo-Interactive at (617)-877-6327 or Owen@Echo-InteractiveLLC.com.
NursingCAS Fee Waivers Available to Applicants
As students face financial challenges, please remind applicants about NursingCAS Fee Waivers. NursingCAS offers fee waivers to applicants applying each cycle. A fee waiver covers the initial application fee ($50/undergraduate-level and $70/graduate-level). There are 2 types of fee waivers applicants can qualify for, and they are awarded based on financial need or service. Applicants are encouraged to review the instructions and apply for a waiver as early as possible. If a student is approved for a fee waiver, they are required to submit their application within 30 days. AACN and NursingCAS will continue monitoring fee waiver funds to help encourage a diverse applicant pool.
As always, the WebAdMIT Client Support Specialist Team is available Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm EST to assist with questions about WebAdMIT features. The Team can be reached at 857-304-2020 or webadmitsupport@liaisonedu.com. Training is also available via webinars, on-demand courses, and the Liaison Academy. Please view the WebAdMIT Help Center for further information.
This section provides monthly updates on new features and enhancements available within the Applicant Portal, Configuration Portal, and WebAdMIT, as well as information on upcoming training events and opportunities.
Applicant Portal Enhancements
Update to Short Answer and Essay Questions
In addition to the character count, the short answer and essay questions now include an associated word count. This allows applicants to easily view their completion of a maximum character and word count.
WebAdMIT Enhancements
Update to Allocating Applicants for Review via Assignment Interface
The Assignment Interface has been updated to include checkboxes next to the names of the assignees (applicant reviewers and interviewers). This will allow an assigner to select multiple users simultaneously when assigning an applicant for review.
Training Opportunities
Sign Up to Access WebAdMIT Webinars
Liaison Academy offers WebAdMIT training webinars. Each one-hour webinar focuses on a specific WebAdMIT feature and offers best practices and tips.
Webinar: Configuration Portal Training (April 21, 1pm EST)
During this FREE session, learn how to brand the home page of an application with an image and a color scheme, add instructional text to guide applicants, identify additional documents that applicants must submit, and more.
Webinar: Making WebAdMIT Work for You (April 23, 1pm EST)
Register now for this FREE session to learn more about commonly used WebAdMIT workflows. This webinar will cover making use of Local Statuses, benefiting from Custom Fields, creating a process to identify new applicants, and more.
Unlock the tools to manage your applications. Join virtually for a 4-week course to learn more about WebAdMIT tools, including but not limited to work groups, local statuses, list manager, corresponding with applicants using emails, and more.
Virtual Training: Enrollment Marketing for a Competitive Advantage (April 30-May 21)
Join virtually over a 4-week period to learn how to increase yield rates using WebAdMIT and convert more inquiries into applicants, how to incorporate a strategic communications plan into WebAdMIT or your CRM, and evaluate key metrics.
The Liaison User Conference will take place this summer in Boston, MA. NursingCAS users are encouraged to attend this conference for hands-on trainings, peer-led sessions, and panel discussions.
“Throughout the country, colleges are facing a serious challenge: how to recruit students in an uncertain environment without being able to show off their campuses (at least in person). Some colleges are changing policies — there was a major push in the last week for test-optional admissions. Some of the colleges are only switching for a year or two or three. Other colleges are also adopting a range of policies to make it easier for students to say yes to an offer of admission in a very uncertain time.”
“CarnegieDartlet released a survey of 4,848 high school seniors and found that two-thirds say that a May 1 deadline to reply to an offer of admission was unreasonable. Of underrepresented minority students, 74 to 80 percent want more time.”
“Consider sending your current students a “we miss you” note, paired with some branded swag. Welcome deposited students by sending them a yard sign so they can proudly display their decision to their community. Give graduating seniors a proper farewell, with a celebration kit that brings campus a little closer in their final weeks as students. These analog moments will find their way to digital platforms as these individuals share their excitement — and they’ll showcase the connections you’ve built as a result.”
“And earlier this month, Lee Ann Jones, an ICU nurse from Florida, decided to spread a little of the positivity that rainbows give us by starting what she dubbed the #904RainbowHunt. She created the 904 Rainbow Hunt group on Facebook, asking anyone who joined to create a rainbow in their window and post a general location for neighbors so that they could go on a “hunt” to find the hidden rainbow. Now, the movement has exploded, and thousands around the country are getting in on the rainbow hunt fun.”
If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Wurth, AACN’s Director of Strategic Partnerships, at swurth@aacnnursing.org.